1.1. CCTV Operation and Management Policy

SNU VMTH will inform you about the purpose and use of imagery information processed by this agency through this operation and management policy for CCTVs.

Installation basis and installation purpose of CCTVs

In accordance with Article 25 (1) of the Personal Information Protection Act, SNU VMTH installs and operates CCTVs for the following purposes.
Facility Safety and Fire Prevention / Crime Prevention for the Protection of Guardians and Staff (including Students) / Prevention of Vehicle Theft and Damage

※ If the parking lot capacity exceeds 30 cars, CCTVs can be installed and operated based on Article 6 (1) of the Enforcement Rule of the Parking Lot Act

Number of CCTVs, installation location and scope of recording

Number of CCTVs Installation location and scope of recording
50 In/outside the building, parking lot

Person in charge of management and persons with access

SNU VMTH will inform you about the purpose and use of imagery information processed by this agency through this operation and management policy for CCTVs.

Category Name Title Affiliation Contacts
Chief Manager Lee Beom-seok Chief Administrator SNU VMTH 02)880-7198
Person with access Heo Seong-deok Employee SNU VMTH 02)880-8761

Recording time of the imagery information, storage period, storage place and processing method

Recording time Storage period Storage location
24 hours 30 days from the day of record Emergency shelter

Processing method : Record and manage requests for non-purpose use, third-party provision, destruction, and viewing of the imagery information, and permanently delete (or shred if printed on paper) the imagery in a manner that cannot be restored when the storage period expires.

Matters on how and where to check personal imagery information

How : Contact the person in charge of imagery information management in advance and visit SNU VMTH.
Where : Administration Office at SNU VMTH

Measures for requests on viewing imagery information of the information holder

You may make a demand to the CCTV operator at any time if you wish to view, confirm or delete your personal imagery information.
However, such demand can be made to the extent that the imagery information contains you or that such demand is clearly necessary for your urgent interest in life, body or property.
We will take necessary measures without delay if we are asked for viewing, confirmation or deletion of personal imagery information.

Measures to ensure the security of imagery information

The imagery information processed by this institute is managed safely through encryption measures, etc.
Additionally, as a managerial measure for the protection of personal imagery information, this organization differentiates the right to access personal information. Also, in order to prevent the personal imagery information from being altered or modified, the date and time of the creation of personal imagery information, as well as the date and time access of these imageries are recorded and maintained.
Locks are installed for safe physical storage of personal imagery information as well.

Matters regarding changes to Privacy Policy

This CCTV operation and management policy was enacted on March 23, 2018. If there is any addition, deletion or modification of contents due to changes in laws, policies or security technologies, we will notify you of the reasons for the change and the contents of the change through our website at least seven days prior to the enforcement of such changes.
Publication date: March 23, 2018 / Enforcement date: March 23, 2018
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