Prohibition of Unauthorized Collection of E-mail Addresses

Please note that e-mail addresses published on this Website must not be collected by anyone through electronic mail collecting programs or other technical measures without proper and prior approval, and that any violation of this rule will be subject to criminal punishment under the Information Communication Network Law.

Legislation with regard to the promotion of information communication networks and the protection of information [partially amended on February 29, 2008. Legislation # 8867]

  • ▷ Anyone who seeks profits by utilizing SNU-operated contents and wants to enjoy the benefits thereby must discuss with SNU in advance or obtain its approval for such action. Even following discussion and approval, the person must state that the contents belong to SNU when displaying them.
  • ▷ Even if the contents are legally posted on other websites with prior approval from SNU, any unauthorized modification will be strictly prohibited unless it is a simple change of inaccurate information or error. Any violators of this practice will be faced with criminal consequences.
  • ▷ If any websites are linked to SNU web pages, the website service provider must inform SNU of their linkage.
● Article 50-2 (Prohibition of Unauthorized Collection of E-mail Addresses)
  • ① No one is allowed to collect e-mail addresses on the Websites by using an e-mail auto-collecting program or other technical measures without prior approval from the Website administrator or manager.
  • ② No one is allowed to sell or distribute e-mail addresses collected in violation of Clause 1.
  • ③ No one is allowed to use such e-mail addresses to send information with knowledge that they were barred from being collected, sold and distributed based on Clauses 1 and 2.
● Article 74 (Penalty) People shall be charged a fine up to 10 million won if they:
  • ① Display, sell, or display to sell private information in violation of Article 8, Clause 4;
  • ② Distribute, sell, lend, or publically display pornographic symbols, text, audio clips, pictures or images in violation of Article 44-7, Clause 1, Section 1;
  • ③ Repeatedly circulate any symbols, text, audio clips, pictures or images that could cause fear or anxiety to others in violation of Article 44-7, Clause 1, Section 3;
  • ④ Take a technical action in violation of Article 50, Clause 6;
  • ⑤ Collect, sell, or distribute e-mail addresses in violation of Article 50-2 and send any information by using them;
  • ⑥ Send information for marketing purposes in violation of Article 50-8; or
  • ⑦ Fail to report changes of business registration, transfer, merger, or inheritance in violation of Article 53, Clause 4.
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